The Center for NanoScience at LMU Munich brings together research from physics, chemistry, biochemistry, and medicine, all focused on the nanometer scale. Professors, junior group leaders, postdocs, and graduate students actively engage within this dynamic network, exchanging ideas and forging new research collaborations. An PhD opening is now available in the lab of Prof. Benedikt Sabass (Cell Biophysics and Statistical Physics at LMU Munich).
PhD Position in Cell Biophysics: Hijacking of immune cells by human parasites
Activities and responsibilities
Some pathogens can hijack immune cells and use them as 'Trojan horses' to spread throughout the host. This behaviour effectively evades the host's defence mechanisms and contributes to the severity of an infection. One such pathogen is Toxoplasma gondii, a globally occurring parasitic protozoan that causes toxoplasmosis. Although immune cell hijacking is critical for Toxoplasma infection, it is not understood how the parasite manipulates host cells to achieve this.
In this project, you will combine state-of-the-art super-resolution microscopy techniques such as STED (Stimulated Emission Depletion) and STORM (Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy) with genetic manipulation of T. gondii to understand how the parasite modifies the actin cytoskeleton of immune cells. You will be part of an interdisciplinary team of biologists and physicists. We work closely with groups specialising in immune cell biology (Prof. Jörg Renkawitz) and T. gondii genetics (Prof. Markus Meissner). During your PhD thesis work, you will therefore acquire broad expertise in molecular biology, genetics, microscopy and biophysics. Commitment, ambition and the ability to work at the highest scientific level are required.
In this project, you will combine state-of-the-art super-resolution microscopy techniques such as STED (Stimulated Emission Depletion) and STORM (Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy) with genetic manipulation of T. gondii to understand how the parasite modifies the actin cytoskeleton of immune cells. You will be part of an interdisciplinary team of biologists and physicists. We work closely with groups specialising in immune cell biology (Prof. Jörg Renkawitz) and T. gondii genetics (Prof. Markus Meissner). During your PhD thesis work, you will therefore acquire broad expertise in molecular biology, genetics, microscopy and biophysics. Commitment, ambition and the ability to work at the highest scientific level are required.
Qualification profile
- A Master's degree in biology, biophysics, nanoscience, or a related field
- Prior laboratory experience, ideally with microscopy and cell culture
- Proficiency in English
- Demonstrated curiosity, creativity, and enthusiasm for acquiring new knowledge and skills
- Strong motivation and the ability to work independently as well as within an international, multidisciplinary team
- Experience with techniques from genetics/advanced imaging/biophysics would be a plus
We offer
- Interdisciplinary research in a high-quality international scientific environment
- Opportunities for interchange and collaboration with prominent research groups within our institution and at other international research centers
- A workplace offering numerous employee benefits and a monthly salary based on Germany's doctoral pay grade E13.
Dr. Susanne Hennig
, Temporary
PhD Project
Updated at
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